Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The truth about...SIN

If I'm completely honest, I hate excuses. I hate when others use them, and I hate especially when Iuse them. Funny how we have difficulty accepting excuses from others, but yet ours are always valid.

What's been on my mind lately is the myriad of excuses we make for sin that lingers in, no, permeates throughout our lives. These are not the enormous sin 'pot-holes' that we think we're so brave and spiritual for dodging, no, these are the sins that have been deeply rooted in our heart for so long, we don't even recognize them anymore.


- Road rage (anger)

- Speeding (disobedience)

- Cursing under our breath (hateful words)

- Sense of entitlement (pride)

- Overspending (greed)

- Overeating (gluttony)

- Laziness (well, laziness)

We need to remind ourselves that just because we haven't killed anyone lately, or have cheated on our wives doesn't make necessarily make us a 'good' person. Christ said only one was 'good'. So in order to be the spiritual warrior Paul charges us to be (Eph. 6), we must first die to ourselves daily and understand that all sin is an awesome offense against a holy God.

This quote from John Piper constantly haunts my soul, may it haunt yours as well...

"Sin is what you do when you are not satisfied in Christ"