I recently read a news article from Newsweek called Generation ME. The article hit some homeruns in disecting the current sludge-pool of narcissism that my generation seems to take a dip in every day. We are easily the most narcissistic generation and while hours of time fade away on Facebook (guilty) and we are enamored by the next YouTube sensation, our ME Generation is quickly turning to the Divorc-e generation.
While serving tables at O'Charley's last night I overhear many conversations from other servers regarding relationships. Now, I understand divorce has been around almsot as long as marriage, but it seems that in a culture where teenagers every whim is catered to, and they never hear the infamous (and apparently outdated) word 'no', it is inevitable that student will grow into a marriage relationship also expecting to be catered to and never denied their desires. We that live in the real world understand this not how life works, but it seems that my generation is entirely under the assumption that it is, and I almost wholly blame one group of people for that...parents. A self-indulged teenager who is consumed with their own desires enters into a life-time committment of sacrificial love and shocked when they are no longer give everything they want. The result = marriage takes a back seat to their desires, along with children and any other responsibility that doesn't fit into their 'plan'. By giving our children everything they want, we have in turn created a group of young adults that have an insatiable desire for themselves, neglecting the responsibilities of life and committment....when was the last time you told your children no?
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
M-E Genertaion turns into DIVORC-E Generation
Posted by Coalson at 7:39 AM
Books Engaging Culture, Youth Ministry