Sunday, March 15, 2009

Letters from Greece. Pt. 2

Hey folks, Just wanted to update ya'll on our status here in Greece. We are having a blast! This morning we worshipped on top of Mars Hill as the words of Paul was read from Acts 17. In all sincerity, we could not take in the vastness of what we were experiencing. Paul preached to the Athenians and debated with philosophers on this very spot! Wow, what an incredible experience! We then moved to the Acropolis and viewed the Parthenon. This is the place where democracy, literature and western civilization began as we know it. The impact today was hard to fathom. In other news, what God has been doing in our hearts is also difficult to let sink in. There's nothing like being away from Facebook, cell-phones, and the stresses of life for God to speak in ways that we sometimes don't allow him to because of all the 'conveniences' (distractions) we have. The pastor spoke tonight about Gideon and his call from the Lord. Gideon was from the smallest tribe in Israel, and from a well-known family, and within his family he was the least talented. Gideon tells God 'what can I do, I am no one?'. God says 'go, mighty man of valor, and I will be with you'. When we are weak...He is strong. If I may, let me close with this... Our ministry begins in the morning. The missionary that we work with here is called Raymond. He was explicitly clear about the spiritual state in Greece. The situtation is extreme. He quoted Christ when He said "The fields are white unto harvest..." Raymond told us THIS IS NOT THE CASE IN GREECE! The spiritual desire here is almost non-existent. He likens the field here in Greece to a field that is not even ready to be planted. Much tilling needs to be done in this city of Athens before seeds can really be planted. There are over 6 million people in the city of Athens and less than 1% claim to be Evangelical Christians. The hearts of the people here are much more concerned with fashion and physical pleasures. Pray that God will soften the hearts of the Greeks as we minister this week...this is our greatest need! Secondly, pray that God continues to work in our lives here, He is truly changing how we see the world and the need there is to share the Gospel! Here are some pics and a vid of today's activities...
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