Thursday, January 15, 2009

Do you feel trapped?

Do you feel trapped? I know the feeling. Oftentimes in life God designs trials for us to face, and at times, we may feel as if we are completely trapped, inhibited by our surroundings.
Maybe you feel your marriage is on the edge of a cliff, just waiting to be pushed into oblivion. Maybe you feel like you're kids are going to drive you to experience the very last moment of sanity that you will ever have.
Maybe it's your church. Maybe you feel like you're just not being fed...ministry's not going so great, and you haven't truly 'worshipped' in months.
Maybe it's sin. Sin that you've struggled with for years and can't seem to hold onto hope any more.
Fellow Believers...there is hope, and there is truth.
Go back and read the paragraph above, and see if you can notice a certain word that was used more than once. Got it?
Ok, so the word is 'feel'. Work with me for a second. Do you understand how many times we base decision and make statements based off of how we 'feel'. I 'feel' lonely, but you're not, God is with you. I 'feel' depressed, but you shouldn't. As a child of God, you're the most blessed person in existence. I 'feel' worried because of my finances. Why? It's not yours's God's. I 'feel' hopeless...don't! Listen to these words of Paul:
"No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it."
I Cor. 10:13
We should all commit this verse to memory...this is our hope, the faithfullness of God.
Take hope folks...God is in control, and every circumstance in your life right now has been specifically designed for ....YOU! Designed to draw us closer to God and make us more like his Son.