For anyone that knows me well, knows that I have an addiction. This addiction has become so much a part of who I am that rarely, I don't even notice it even more. It's there when I wake up, and there when I go to sleep. It involves my family, my church, my student ministry, my girlfriend and the music blaring from my ipod.
As I sit, cushioned within my comfortable seat, nestled in Starbucks I convince myself that I'm effectively counteracting my addiction, yet I'm not really sure.
My addiction, you ask? Well, it's an addiction that has grasped the heart of many students and pastors of my generation. This addiction plays no favorites. It is the addiciton of busyness. I walk through my days convinced that the busier I am, the more productive I am. I can't be still, I don't know how to be still, and when I am still I feel guilty about being still.
I have this overwhelming desire to constantly be busy, because if I'm constantly busy then I'm able to convince everyone in my life (including myself) that I can be an effective Youth Pastor, full-time student, have a healthy relationship with my girlfriend, spend intentional time with my younger brother, visit the sick, teach Bible studies, maintain an energetic social life, and the list goes on and on.
Ps. 46:10 according to my flesh, would be one of my least favorite verses. However, it is placed specifically for people who have my addiction. It says "Be still and know that I am God..." The NASB says "Cease striving and know that I am God." Ryrie says to cease striving means to cease from warlike activities and acknowledge God's supremacy over our lives.
After reading a friends blog I received a stark reminder of where God once had me and now where I am now in my walk with Him.
In the fall of '05 I moved to Florida to attend the Word of Life Bible Institute. There a transformation happened in my life, and I absolutely fell in love with the Word of God. Not for what the Word can do for me, or how inteligent I can become from studying it, but simply because it is the Spirit-breathed Word of the Living God. And I understand that in the business of my life, this joy wanes for the Word. Is it any less inspired? NO! I am just simply less motivated because I'm 'too busy'?!?
Honestly, this is a cycle we all have to guard ourselves from. Allowing the busyness of life to steal our joy for the Word of God. Because even good things can be distractions if they keep us from the main thing.
So I challenge you, go to Starbucks, pour a cup of coffee, make hot chocolate (it's not really about the drink, it's just a great edition) and sit down at a table with just the Word of God, praying that God will speak to you in ways you've not seen in a long time. Listen, pray, meditate - expect the unexpected. God doesn't want our busyness - He wants our hearts.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Busyness = productivity?
Posted by Coalson at 7:10 AM