Wednesday, December 9, 2009

In case you didn't know...

I've moved!! Check the new site out at

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Seizing Financial Opportunities

In today's financial climate, believers more than ever are faced with difficult choices. Do I buy gas or pay the credit card? Do we eat out or stay in? Can we afford a vacation this year? Can we even afford to tithe? These questions must be answered, and biblically for us to understand how to handle our finances during this prolonged financial slum.
I, as well as a great friend of mine Paul Speight, work at a credit unions. CU's focused on one thing: saving you money. With no greedy stock holders to fund, State Employee's Credit Union actually doubled their assets in 2008! How many financial organizations did that in the worst fiscal year since the depression? With lower rates and higher customer service, CU's are becoming a major player in the financial world.
So with that said, I have asked Paul to elaborate on how we can better manage God's finances.
"Handling our personal finances is a huge responsibility, but rather than
seeing it as a responsibility why not look at it as an opportunity. The Bible speaks

very clearly on how we are to manage our wealth. Tithing is the first and
most important step in reaping more financial blessings. With that being understood, I want to speak on three oppurtunities after tithing us as Christians should be strving for.

> The first opportunity in handling our money is saving. David Bach, author
and financial advisor repeatedly tells his clients to ‘pay yourself first.’ Proverbs 21:5 also tells us that the plans of the diligent lead to advantage. Before spending on anything else we need to contribute to our savings so we can be prepared. There are 3 areas of saving we should be concerned with. We should be saving up an emergency fund, typically 3-6 month’s worth of income (Prv. 6:6-8). Secondly, we should be saving for when
we will no longer be able to work, or want to work (retirement). Finally,
we should save so we have money to give.
> The second opportunity is providing. There are several categories I think fall under providing. We are to provide by paying our bills responsibly (Rom. 13:7, Ps 37:21), providing food, clothing, and shelter for our family
(1 Tim 5:8), and preparing financially for our children’s education (Prv.7:11, 24:5). Finally, we are to provide by having some fun with our blessings! We know that if we give to God He will bless us until there is no need (Mal 3:10). In fact, in that same verse God basically says, “Come on, I’ll prove it to you!” God will always bless us but don’t think just because we give we are immune to challenging times, just ask Job.
> Our third opportunity calls for us to give. We all know Christmas is a time for giving and so are birthdays, anniversaries, fundraisers, graduations, baby showers…can you see where I’m going here? My point is that the bigger your social network the more expensive life is. This should not discourage you from making more friends but it should encourage you to save!
Giving a friend or anyone a gift during a special occasion will bring you so much joy. Giving gifts is great but so is helping people in tough times. My goal and hopefully yours also is to be in a position to allow God to call on me to help others in need. However, in order to perform these two acts of giving we must prepare and save!
So to conclude, if we have taken the opportunity to save, provide, and give, we should also enjoy financial blessings together as a family or individually. Singles, go spend some money on yourself, married couples (w/o kids) go on a date or weekend getaway, and families do something fun
together (date nights are still always acceptable). Enjoy spending, but do it responsibly. And remember, one day we will stand in front of our Savior and be held accountable for all we did in life, not just financially, but in every thought, deed, and action. Above all us let everything we do bring glory to Him!"

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

New Music Week: Jonny Lang

Rhythm and Blues has revolutionized and dramatically changed the way we listen to music over the past 70 years. Having influenced so many genres, it's hard to believe that in this millennium blues artists could be in such short supply. Insert: Jonny Lang
He stepped on the scene over ten years ago as a teenage prodigy and a voice that would fool anyone. Since then he's raised the bar of blues/rock with every album. This guy is easily in my top 3 favorite artists so check it out.

Monday, September 28, 2009

New Music Week: The Elms

OK, so I've been thinking about doing a really cool blog series this week that would take up very little precious time. This week, every second counts. We sublease our apartment, close on our house, pack (no we haven't started) and move in the next five days. So instead of slacking in my blogging sense, I decided to introduce you to a few of my favorite artists over the past year or so. Not new to me, but may be new to you. So, introducing...New Music Week. Sit back, relax, grab your Itunes and add these artist to your playlist! Their music is soul-stirring, moving, full of talent and passion. They are simply more than just tight beats polished over mediocre voices. These artist are what I build the rest of my music library around, they're that good!

Starting with a band called The Elms. This band is essentially what Rock n' Roll should sound like. In a time where so many genres have little musical boundaries and every artist is attempting a musical 'crossover', this band has stayed true to it's roots and brings us the best rock albums I've heard in a long time. Singing about Midwestern life, spirituality and small-town living, The Elms is as good as it gets. Their album, The Great American Midrange just dropped a few weeks ago, and so I couldn't wait to share it.
Come back for new artists everyday this week and then a special guest blogger will be posting this weekend.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

70 Years of Oz

This day marks the 70th anniversary of one of the most famous movies of all time. 'The Wizard of Oz' was released in theaters in 1939 and had it not been for another movie you may or may not have heard of called 'Gone With the Wind' released in the same year, Wizard would have cleaned up at the Oscars that year.
This movie is simply one of my all time favorites, for so many reasons. Always a fascination with tornadoes, the movie had me from the beginning. Insert a clumsy man made of straw, a noble tin-man and a big lion, what kid wouldn't love it? Flying monkeys did and still do, scare the be-jeezezes out of me!
What I loved most about the movie was the fascination of it all, it was unlike any other movie. I also relished the anticipation that came along with this movie because growing up in the pre-downloading era, this movie was a yearly event. The Wizard graced us with his presence once a year and it was an experience. I know, I'm grown. It's still one of my all time favorite movies. Warner Bros. and Turner Classic Movies have done two really cool things to commemorate the 70th anniversary. Tonight, The Wizard of Oz will be showing in select theaters around the country at 7:00 pm. Stephanie and I have tickets and we are STOKED!! We've of course never seen the movie in the theater, what an opportunity! Second, they have released a ultra-high definition Blu-Ray box set for a whole new generation to enjoy.
Hope to see you at the movies tonight! We're off to see the Wizard...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Affairs last forever

Our pastor , JD Greear, has carried us through Proverbs this summer in an incredible series called 'Still Standing'. A couple of weeks ago he spoke on the immorality and adultery from Proverbs 7, emphasizing this verse:
"Let not your heart turn aside to her ways; do not stray into her paths. For many a victim she has laid low; and her slain are a mighty throng". (v. 25-26)
His reflections involved a personalized list of what would happen if he fell into the tragedy of immorality. It was a sobering sermon. I've taken the list and personalized it as well and it made a HUGE impact on me. I encourage you to do the same. Satan's tactics include convincing people that sin is not nearly as bad as they thought, and at that point in time, can be exactly what they need or deserve (i.e. Eve). SIN IS NEVER WORTH IT! This list is originally adapted from Randy Alcorn's The Purity Principle.

  • First, above everything else, I would greatly disgrace the name of my Savior, who died for me.
  • I would undermine the Gospel to everyone around me
  • I would devastate and forever hurt Stephanie, the love of my life
  • It would bring untold pain upon those who have poured into my life such as family and friends
  • I would loose most, if not all, of my credibility in ministry for the rest of my life.
  • I would loose the trust and faith of my children who may never understand why I exchanged their mother for a cheap thrill
  • The Gospel would never again be the focus of my life or ministry again, sin and failure would be
  • I would bring intense hurt and pain on my parents
  • My wife may never be able to trust again
  • One day I will look Jesus in the face and have to give an account for my life
  • I would force God to discipline me severely
  • Great pleasure and victory will be given for the Enemy.
All of this would be the result of forgiven sin. Sin ALWAYS has consequences, and it's never worth the pain. Satan is always trying to tear down husbands and fathers, it is his direct inroad to the entire family. Men, stand guard. "Be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." - I Peter 5:8
Here are seven principles from Prov. 7 adapted from JD's sermon:
  1. Your enemy's at every corner (v.12)
  2. Beware the lies (v. 21)
  3. You can not live by desire alone; you must also live by design (v. 22)
  4. Sin leads to death (v. 23-27)
  5. It is MANLY to hide from temptation (v.6)
  6. Do not do life alone (v. 9)
  7. You can only escape falling for the "woman of sin" by being in love with the More Beautiful Woman (v. 4-5)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Why leaders should blog

Blogs can be beneficial to ministry, but crucial to the leader. Blogging is an incredible way to reach, teach, educate and motivate people easier than ever before. As a pastor, teacher or ministry leader, blogging is a great way for you to reach your congregation or anyone in your realm of influence to influence them to walk closer to God.
Recently, I read a post by John Piper titled '6 Reasons Pastors Should Blog'. You can check out the full post in the link.
Now, a pastor can be a great leader and not keep a blog, but I agree with Piper that blogging can be an incredibly effective way to reach people.
So, here we go, a condensed version of Piper's post along with some added input:
Reason #1: - To Write
Piper says it well: "If you’re a pastor, you probably already know the value writing has for thinking. Through writing, you delve into new ideas and new insights. If you strive to write well, you will at the same time be striving to think well."
Writing is a spiritual activity and it is a perfect outlet for a clouded soul. When you're formulating your thoughts, lessons, sermons, etc. Write! Write! Write! There is also no better way to share your thoughts and writing than through your blog.
Reason #2: - To Teach
I read one specific blog just as methodically as I drink my morning coffee. The reason this certain pastor's blog has made such an impact on me is that, on average, his posts are intentional, relevant, concise and powerful. Every time, he's on target. It's refreshing. He doesn't write a book or preach a sermon, but he understands in a mighty way the power of a blog post. It teaches his people, and it reaches ministers around the world and he does it with impact. If your curious, now that I've built up curiousity, it's Pastor Steven Furtick out of Charlotte, NC. Blogs allow you to teach daily, your pulpit only gives that opportunity weekly.
Reason #3: To Recommend
Piper writes about how pastor's can use blogs to recommend in very real ways to their people. "People want to know that their pastor knows he is an ordinary, imperfect human being." Recommend everything. From your favorite new restaurant in town, the best cafe to buy a cup of coffee, or the newest book you've read. This last one has been very important to me as I have grown in my own learning and theology, the books that other pastors have under their 'recommended reading' has greatly encouraged me to pick up a book that I may have never come across.
Reason #4: To Interact -
It's highly likely that if you've been involved in ministry on a staff level, than you have felt the intense pressure under the idealistic image people have of church staff. Blogs are a great way to, in a healthy way, break down some of the unnecessary barriers between a church leader and his people.
Reason #5: - To develop an eye for the meaningful
Just gonna let Piper take this one, he pretty much blows it up. "For good or ill, most committed bloggers live with the constant question in their mind: Is this bloggable? This could become a neurosis, but I’ll put a positive spin on it: It nurtures a habit of looking for insight and wisdom and value in every situation, no matter how mundane.
If you live life looking for what is worthwhile in every little thing, you will see more of what God has to teach you. And the more he teaches you, the more you can teach others. As you begin to be inspired and to collect ideas, you will find that the new things you’ve seen and learned enrich far more of your life than just your blog. "

Reason #6: - To Be known
As a leader, this is crucial. People will naturally construct a false (partially) idea of who you are as a person. It happens because they ONLY hear you preach and teach, and if you're pastor of a church of 200+, then most of your congregation gets to spend little one-on-one time with you. This is a great opportunity to share with your people who you are. I have a tendency to say I don't have time, but really, blogging regularly keeps me fresh and it excites me to learn as I write. Connecting with the people within your realm of influence on a regular basis is an exciting opportunity...take it!
Want to read some great blogs, check out my list. Scroll down. Bottom right. Enjoy.